United Way of Greater Cleveland and BVU launch portal to create quick connections to volunteer opportunities across Greater Cleveland

Toi Comer and Heather Englander headshots


Toi Comer Vice President of Development at The United Way of Greater Cleveland
Heather Englander Managing Director, Business Engagement at Business Volunteers Unlimited

This week, we are delighted to introduce United Way of Greater Cleveland’s Volunteer Portal, powered by BVU.  This new online hub curates hundreds of volunteer opportunities for United Way’s community members, corporate partners, and employees, allowing interested individuals and teams to quickly and easily browse, search, and register for a variety of meaningful volunteer opportunities across Greater Cleveland.

United Way turns donor dollars into collective community impact, and BVU turns volunteer time into direct service to nonprofits. The Volunteer Portal streamlines volunteerism for individuals and teams, connecting them with the causes that matter most to them. It is a testament to the shared vision and commitment of BVU and United Way to foster a culture of civic engagement.

Volunteerism benefits both the individual and the community, offering a sense of belonging and purpose as you see the connection between participation and change happening within the community. At the same time, volunteer contributions help strengthen community bonds and support networks, creating a much more connected society.

You can view and select suggested volunteer opportunities based on your interests and specifications. Here are several ways you can begin:

  • Create your account here*
  • Access the Volunteer Portal through the button on the top right of United Way’s website
  • Remember to bookmark the home page here

* Registration is required to access and select volunteer opportunities.

United Way and BVU are two long-standing community leaders. Our partnership demonstrates the value of collaboration and highlights the positive outcomes possible when nonprofit organizations bring together those dedicated to giving back to create a better community, region, and world for us all.

We encourage you to visit the United Way Volunteer Portal to share your time and talent by signing up for one of the many individual or group opportunities available today.

If you have questions or want to share a recent volunteer experience with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us at volunteer@unitedwaycleveland.org.

Thank you for your support!

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