Asian Services in Action

Health Pathways


Asian Services in Action (ASIA) strives to empower and advocate for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs); and to provide AAPIs and other communities access to quality culturally and linguistically appropriate information, health, and social services.

Program Description: Lucky Seniors

Funding from the United Way of Greater Cleveland will support the expansion of ASIA’s successful Lucky Seniors program. The goal of Lucky Seniors is to improve the physical and mental health of area Asian seniors through nutritional and socialization activities.

Lucky Seniors has traditionally been a congregate meal program, where older adults come together twice per week to share a healthy, culturally appropriate meal, and socialize with their peers. In addition to meals, the Lucky Seniors program hosts monthly group enrichment activities for socially-isolated seniors.

By pairing the delivery of culturally appropriate food and meals with the facilitation of socialization activities for Lucky Seniors participants, ASIA will further United Way’s Health Pathways strategy with a specific focus on increasing food security, decreasing isolation, and increasing technology access.

Elaine Tso, CEO of Asian Services in Action, speaks about the approach of the Lucky Seniors Program and its goals.

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