Joseph’s Home

Housing Stability


The mission of Joseph’s Home is to fill the gap between hospital and home by providing medical respite care to medically-fragile people experiencing homelessness, helping them heal, obtain housing, and rebuild their lives.

Program Description: Mary's Home

Mary’s Home considers both the symptoms and root causes of poverty by serving as a bridge to permanent, affordable housing for women.  As an expansion of  the work done for men through Joseph’s home, Mary’s Home will serve greater Cleveland’s population of single, adult women who are experiencing homelessness and have acute medical conditions.

At Mary’s Home, women will benefit from medical supervision, nursing care, education about their conditions and treatments, medication management, nutritious meals, and coordination with health care, supportive services, and housing providers. This model will show that integrated, whole-person, trauma-informed care can disrupt the tragic cycling in and out of hospitals, shelters, and the streets and help vulnerable women stabilize their health, get connected to the services they need, and find, obtain, and remain in housing.

With partners at Cleveland Clinic, Mary’s Home will conduct an evaluation comparing the outcomes and cost effectiveness of medical respite to standard hospital discharge practices.

Beth Graham, executive director of Joseph’s Home, speaks about the need for homeless women to have a special place to recuperate from physical illness and emotional trauma.

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